Inspirational Talk by Dr.V.A.Joseph, Former CEO, SIB

Students and faculty of XIME Kochi got an opportunity to meet Dr. V.A Joseph, Former Managing Director & CEO of South Indian Bank on 17th August 2019. He talked to the students about Leadership and its values and the importance of Human Resource in the growth and development of the bank. Topics like profit peak, business growth leaps and bounds were also discussed, followed by a short interactive QnA session, when students raised their doubts and concerns about the process of money making and overcoming criticism. He concluded the session with the words, “passion is very much necessary to succeed and meet the challenges faced on the path to reach your end goal”.

Students of XIME Kochi and the guest students of Lourdes Matha Institute of Management Studies (LMIMS) showcased their talents through various forms of dance and song performances. We were happy to welcome and host the students of LMIMS. The students as well as the professors of LMIMS enjoyed the program and had a good time. 

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