Personal Branding - Your First Step to corporate life

How to stand out from the crowd

Prof. Philip Kotler describes a brand as “A name given to a particular product or service or range of products or services. And it exists to distinguish a particular product or service from its competitors”.

Now where does Personal Branding fit in here?  As an individual, each of us is different in terms of traits, characteristics, talents, backgrounds etc. To add to this complexity, we also respond differently to various stimuli and situations. This could very well be an opportunity!

You have this opportunity of differentiating yourselves from the herd by tweaking many of these “levers”. Let us consider one of the important levers of personal branding – “Packaging”. Are you aware that the factors like the way you dress, the way you comb your hair, your gait and your overall appearance are transmitting visual signals of “You” to the outside world?  Your interactions with colleagues, faculty and outsiders including potential recruiters are all part of the messages that you as a brand transmit. It could possibly have a positive or a negative impact on your brand equity that you have built up over the years, knowingly or unknowingly. And every small thing you do keeps adding/subtracting some equity over the previous base.

Therefore, it becomes imperative that you start working on the most important brand that you would ever get to manage – that is YOU! Start by being aware of each of its components, discuss with friends, seniors and faculty, and work on managing it in the best possible manner to enhance its value!

Associate Professor 


  1. That's a well said article sir. And yes, As you move up the ladder this subtle aspect becomes all the more important as one would have to collaborate with a lot more other persona to achieve a single unified goal. It was a good read sir.

    Anush Sadu

  2. How much feedback mechanism impacts this personal branding ? Honest feedback, the right mindset to accept it and open to change the behavioural towards betterments is always required to build up the best brand image.

    1. - By your student from Batch -4

    2. You are right! Honest external feedback becomes an important input to work upon and as you rightly pointed out, being open to accept the feedback also goes a long way to improve oneself and fine-tune your brand. One also has to be careful in interpreting and deciding which ones are relevant and work on them. Thanks for your views.

      By the way, i remember vividly that all our Batch 4 students had a name :D

  3. Excellent article sir, the way you redefined branding on an individual perspective is beautiful.

    Batch -05


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