MarkXIME 1st event

 Out - of - the - Box 2.0 by MarkXIME

MarkXIME Kochi's first event of the year Out -of - the - Box 2.0

The second edition of Out of the Box was conducted by MarkXIME on 11th August 2023. The event witnessed 10 enthusiastic teams from Batch 11. 

It was a typical Marketing Game of 'Pitch your product' with some twists and turns. The catch here was the teams had to create a product from junt materials available given to them Most teams created more than 1 product. The groups used cardboards boxes, cans, plastic bottles, threads, newspapers and many more things to make wealth out of the waste.  

The Product Pitch was the highlight of the evening where they had to present their Product and their Marketing Strategy to judges a la Shark Tank format. 


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